Tanya Mass: My Birthday Roses
Nicolas Valentin: Auto focus
bocavermelha-l.b.: yodell ♫ lay-od-lay-od-lay-he-hoo, ♫ lay-od-lay-od-low yodellay, ♫ yodallay, yodal-low… ♫ and they fly low supreme! ♫ little egrets from bali- egretta garzetta ♫
~fb~: Who's Watching Who..?
Mia Lewis Images: Golden Eagle
~fb~: Resting on My Fuchsia....
Momba (Trish): Bald Eagle -- "Rock City Raptors"
Ian Mc1: Kea Landing.
ucumari photography: Poison Dart Frog of the blue variety
vmribeiro.net: 20070409_Amarante_Ig_S_Goncalo034
vmribeiro.net: 20070409_Amarante_ponte01
Giorgos~: Spiked!
peggyhr: Band of gold
Angria: 2/4 - Gargoyles
lilivanderhulst: "Birds came flying to the speed of sound "( cathedral Sint-Michel and GudulaBrussels, Belgium)
fotoJENica: El Grillo Feliz
Greg Miles: Monarch or Wanderer Butterfly.
citrit1: Téglavörös szépség
Mia Lewis Images: Ever So Handsome!!
Lourdes Place: Fe / Faith
! . Angela Lobefaro . !: Operation Firefox (Kill all the Internet eXploders out there)
Mia Lewis Images: Sand Lizard
Luigi Strano: Alien Plant ? (Leucospermum cordifolium)
Kirsten M Lentoft: In almost Black and White
Harold_5056: Hand Feeding Hummingbirds