Marcus Hellwig: Mond 06.05.2022
Lens and Shutter: Pedestrian bridge full of hanging Lovelocks on the railings.
Lens and Shutter: The pedestrian bridge full of Lovelocks.
Lens and Shutter: Salzach River in Salzburg City.
Gabriel FW Koch: The Finch Knew
Marcus Hellwig: Monarchfalter II
red.lab: Let's meet in the middle
bertheeb: Sie sind wieder hier 1
presbi: Tropical beauty - Pronophila - explored, best # 41 on Apr. 14 2020
benpsut: East End T's
Gabriel FW Koch: Blackberry Beginning
Jeff Camphens: Dutch Tulips 🌷
Jeff Camphens: Cube-houses of Rotterdam
microwyred: Face to face
sdawesy1: Osprey ( Pandion haliaetus )
Chris Chafer: Philippine Mormon (Menelaides polytes ledebouria)
terrylaws526: Peregrine
Deborah Freeman: Dipper going under. The only aquatic song bird doing what he does best. Finding food under water.
Gabriel FW Koch: Feather Waving
Gabriel FW Koch: Quiet Conversation
Gabriel FW Koch: Ladybug's Garden
Gabriel FW Koch: Gull Third
matthewpierzchala: Sun glow and stream flow
Anuj Nair: Purple-rumped Sunbird (Male)
Lens and Shutter: Krka National Park.Crystal clear water that is so transparent that one can see the river bed or the bottom surface of the river.
enneafive: Foggy Morning Sun
pedro2324: Malay Lacewing. (EXPLORED)
Gabriel FW Koch: Strung Up
Gabriel FW Koch: Rainy Day Red