delikizinyeri: Kars Safari PCI 5
EG documentary photography: kayseri_wild_horses_003
delikizinyeri: İğneada Trek #1
Bernardo Ricci Armani: Ancient and Modern Walls
laurenlemon: Palm Springs
malindho: What lies beneath [explored]
Lens Daemmi: Berlin Festival of Lights 2012: Konzerthaus
luluto: IMGP6216
FatihZengin: 1644-Bearbeitet.jpg
the purl bee: Laura's Loop: Flannel Receiving Blankets
twinfibers: Ruffle Quilt - backing
RickRackQueen: Amy Heather Butler-Bailey Quilt- complete!
cce181: Drake's Prince Charming Quilt
filminthefridge: baby wonderland quilt
Airicsson: Rainy Avenue of the Americas
Vincent_Ting: Winter gone @ 合歡山
Robby Mueller: Contortionist EXPLORE
Robby Mueller: Rylie Beth Jobe, Chicago EXPLORE
Lâm Thanh: Phố Cáo, Hà Giang, 1 March 2012
Oracle Imaging & Design: My first "explored" :)
Abby Lanes: “Life's blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm” ~ Norman Vincent Peale
State Library of NSW: "Knitting for our soldiers" - Kambala School, Sydney, NSW, between 1914-1918 / photographer unknown
State Library of NSW: Women knitting for soldiers, Cudgewa, Victoria, Australia, 1916
Handpicked: Muddy Waters