Handpicked: What was wrong with me? I never buy a whole watermelon! The boys better help eat.
Handpicked: Very big pot that had no water in it two days ago. #rain
Handpicked: I made a Kindle pouch. This is the back look at feed for front. Nice to be creating. #quilt #quilted #kindle
Handpicked: I made something. It has been a very long time. #quilt #quilted #kindle
Handpicked: This is going to be a hard quilt to lay out. @carriestrine and I will have to have "design sessions" ha ha
Handpicked: I have sooo many to make. #quilt #quilting
Handpicked: Took one real quick. These homegrown lovelies taste like none I have ever tasted & are eaten immediately after picking.
Handpicked: Next up
Handpicked: No beer cans after our fire pits, just Lemonata bottles... @carriestrine, @violetnell, @bobbywett
Handpicked: Crunchy black bean tacos
Handpicked: My own garden grown cilantro...
Handpicked: A Tues & Thursday thing
Handpicked: Sitting on the roof with a magazine on my lunch #sunny
Handpicked: What I saw on my way to work this morning.
Handpicked: Does it matter if fabric design is going different way? Love these fabrics.
Handpicked: Planted in fall and sadly did not produce. Will I get brussel sprouts this season or should I pull them?
Handpicked: Left after son washed his Element inside and out. Hope not necessary....
Handpicked: Herbs, tomatoes and kale. Will be planted tomorrow. Cc: @carriestrine @bobbywett
Handpicked: I know it doesn't look like it but these two are driving me nuts today. #GSHP #dog
Handpicked: Little cafe for breakfast. See bench seating at long table ...*swoon*
Handpicked: Loving the natural light. #light #home
Handpicked: Central PA Not a bud on a tree or a bush. More snow coming tomorrow - March 18th! #marchphotoaday
Handpicked: All the sudden this guy is making me feel pretty special.
Handpicked: The lucky one.
Handpicked: 2 mins before this he growled at his sister when she tried to get up with him. She is now sitting with us, the lucky one. #Marchphotoaday
Handpicked: You know you live in central PA when the work cafe has pork & sauerkraut this authentic. #marchphotoaday
Handpicked: #marchphotoaday
Handpicked: Slice of goodness at Gordonville Mud Sale
Handpicked: Pies at Gordonville Mud Sale #marchphotoaday
Handpicked: Gordonville Mud sale