davie ch: DSC_4652-Edit
brooksa4969: 169A5784b
brooksa4969: 169A5812b
tanman2: Feed me
tanman2: Food delivery
tanman2: A happy youngster
Mono Andes: Bosque de lengas
helenehoffman: Howdy! [In Explore 7/27/21]
Patricia Ware: By the Silk Mimosa Tree
davie ch: DSC_4513-Edit
davie ch: DSC_4551-Edit
Rayladur: Cygne trompette - Trumpeter Swan
georgina e.s: American Robin
georgina e.s: Yellow Warbler
georgina e.s: Eastern Kingbird
georgina e.s: Northern flicker
georgina e.s: oak tree
georgina e.s: All from the root HSS!
georgina e.s: Wild Turkey
Magallanico 1960: Pilpilén (Haematopus palliatus) 003
Magallanico 1960: Pilpilén Austral (Haematopus leucopodus) 004
torremundo: Distelfink - Stieglitz
torremundo: Distelfink - Stieglitz
torremundo: Blaumeise
no3photos: 1627032587282-01
FergalSandra: Meadow Pipit Dundalk
FergalSandra: Garden Song Thrush
Old Geezer. 1950-2022: Eastern Kingbird
garrymoors: FB_IMG_1627143217242
iancook95: A coot splashin aboot.