cmdpirx: HH-Stencil 987
lopezrequenapaco: Flamencos.
Jeff-Photo: Cormoran perché
Luigi Alesi: colline imbiancate
piotr_ramijan: DSC_0093
piotr_ramijan: DSC_7640
Trayc99: Pure of heart
Ainapurapu Photography: Redrock Canyon, Las Vegas NV
amerida59: Flamencos
Fabrizio Comizzoli: Ibis sacro - Threskiornis aethiopicus
ES9262: Dresden, Blick zur Frauenkirche
Vlado Ferenčić: white peacock (02)
Bob Gunderson: Pacific Wren
Massimo Greco *: Cinciarella (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Chrisnaton: Kapelle Melchsee
Bob Gunderson: Allen's Hummingbird
Thanks for 4 Million views: Hooded Pitta on clean perch
Chrisnaton: going for a walk
FotoGrazio: Duck in an aqua mirror
Bob Gunderson: The"Butcher Bird" - Loggerhead Shrike
vulture labs: Gangplank
DavidAlan48: Treecreeper
phil winter: Little Owl (Athene noctua)
Mario 400: Landschaft 04
Phuket Paul: Burrard Inlet
@scott_baldock: The Fog II
DavidAlan48: Short-eared Owl