diones76: Honda Celebration of Light Team USA (Disney)
bcbirdergirl: Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) - Richmond, BC
rustyjerk: JFR_3279
diones76: Parliament Building Victoria B.C.
Sonika Arora 604: Thank you container ship, for adding that extra bit of masala to my shot. 😎👌
diones76: West End of Vancouver.
bcbirdergirl: Male Northern Pygmy-Owl
DouglasJBrown: DB4_8560
DouglasJBrown: DB4_8549
Sue Coastal Observer: Double-Crested Cormorant - 010a1c1ll
Dream Source Studio: Anna's Hummingbird
Sue Coastal Observer: Double-Crested Cormorant - 228a2c
diones76: Team USA
Sue Coastal Observer: Bald Eagle - 247a1cdc
The Owl Man: Branch Ballerina #2
winnu: 1-IMG_0983ddds
cre8foru2009: Red-Shouldered Hawk
cre8foru2009: Red-shouldered Hawk
Sue Coastal Observer: European Starling - 702a1ac
cre8foru2009: Walking Proud
nickinthegarden: Red-tailed Hawk
Sonika Arora 604: I'm lookin' for the right words to say...
Sonika Arora 604: Granville Island
bcbirdergirl: Short-eared owl (Explore)
nickinthegarden: Right place, Right time
cre8foru2009: Red-tail Hawk
cre8foru2009: Golden Buck
Dream Source Studio: Common Loon
SamppaV: Stargazing: The Milky Way
cre8foru2009: Red-Headed Woodpecker