Jackie ...: Virginia Water cascades ...
mbnewcastle: Barn Owl
Jackie ...: "I know you're watching me!" ...
SKeysImages: AMbush2407aCS
odogy: Roe deer jumping through the meadow
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Geai bleu / Blue Jay / (Cyanocitta cristata)
fabiform: Great created grebes
Aiel: Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus), Naguvanahalli, Mysuru
Don Cassel: Baltimore Oriole
SKeysImages: HOME221217bCS
Pics_by_Brian: Canada Jay (Lifer)
Vincent Pommeyrol: Ray Mobula-Mobula Japonaise (Mobula japanica)
SKeysImages: WoodDuck2103eCS
SKeysImages: INBU2308dCS
SKeysImages: ScreechHeronAndOwlCS
SKeysImages: EaredGrebe2304cCS
SKeysImages: COGO2301iCS
Ned Harris: _07A5546 Female Taiga Merlin
SKeysImages: EaredGrebe2304dCS
SKeysImages: BBWA2309dCS
s.deville: Synchronized landing
Stefan_Bilder: Säbelschnäbler umringt von Bekassinen
Eric Gofreed: The Three Stooges
SKeysImages: BNST2304fCS
SKeysImages: WOD230321cCS
SKeysImages: RBNU2305aCS
SKeysImages: RWBB0712aCS
Glenn.B: Barn Owl
SKeysImages: NOPA230514aCS