saikoxix: DSC_0902
FilipaValente: Flowers
.Iuliania.: Ksusha FA
Mayra's Dolls: Custom #62 - Olivia (adoptable)
55randomclicks: Here comes the rain again.
.Iuliania.: My first middie custom
simplychictiques: Yummy enough to eat!
pure_embers: Ekaterina in the fog ☁️
Passion for Blythe: Lati Yellow Suji
hirrro: Sleeping Soo
Ylang Garden: Spring Collection
gorgona73: Petronela
Petitedoll: Our list for Santa
Ruthiepooh Steen: Holiday scavenger hunt. 3: Christmas wishlist. Annie wonders if she has remembered to write it all down.
Passion for Blythe: Poor girls...
Ruthiepooh Steen: Pulling a sleigh, and not too happy about it.
pure_embers: Spike Hill 🍂
Petitedoll: Did you see this guy?
Claudia-H: Rexy Iplehouse
Ruthiepooh Steen: “Make way!”
redmaiko: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
FilipaValente: I wanted to see them together
AyuAna: Mori style ladies
.Iuliania.: Muphrid FA
pure_embers: Wolf 🐺
emmr_ {bjd}: Teeny tiny cutie belonging to @teacupfox
FilipaValente: pretty little things
redmaiko: Ghosts in the Rain