cienne45: Flock
Martin Beek: Rembrandt, Art Talk
Maddog Murph: Strive
dwfphoto: Abraham Lake
Andrey Mamaev: IMG-20190505-WA0002
dwfphoto: Frozen bubbles on Lake Abraham.
Maddog Murph: Prismatic Color
Gemma - A Passionate Photographer: First Quarter Moon (68%)
cienne45: Christmas time - Genova, Italy - 5
Gemma - A Passionate Photographer: Watson Lake, Arizona
Gemma - A Passionate Photographer: The Milky Way Galaxy
Martin Beek: Pearl Exhibition
Phil's Pixels: Tranquility
Maddog Murph: Philosopher's Garden
hapulcu: Fire and Ice
PeterThoeny: Across the bridge you'll find blue water
George Plakides: Saarschleife
Phil's Pixels: Spooky Skies
cienne45: Old cottage
Phil's Pixels: Denali Bound
Cedarlore Forge: Patreon Forge
cienne45: The pond
Gemma - A Passionate Photographer: Jan. 31st Blood Moon
for go: one_full_0493
Wonder Woman !: Birch On the River
Kamal MIKOU: Coucher de soleil sur le lac Léman