Anna Trifirò: 2016-06-19-0003
Anna Trifirò: Reminding Friedrich
neverbe: Начальник отдела по борьбе с бездомными инопланетянами / Head of homeless alien extermination department
Robbie McIntosh: (Stoned Soul Picnic)
Jackobo: Learning about the Viewcamera
Anna Trifirò: Scan-130622-0005
Giancarlo Rado: intermission
Hr. Thomas: 01686
kapa☆: Buzzi's house
Kendall Lit: A Glass of Water
Robbie McIntosh: (Travelogue)
Craig Eastman: Ilford Delta Pro 100, Pentacon Six TL, CZJ Sonnar 180 f2.8, HC-110B
Renato A.: Cimitero americano, Impruneta (FI), Toscana, Italy
Robbie McIntosh: (A Giant Leap of Faith)
El H1N5: Une femme, une pipe, un pull
Bastiank80: Habitat
gumanow: Seriously?
Holga my Dear: blue postcard - Lighthouse
Robbie McIntosh: (Three Solitary Workers on the Beach)
Renato A.: I Luoghi Dell'Acqua (LDA): delta del Po, faro di Goro
Robbie McIntosh: (X-Posed)
Jochen Abitz Photography: Out Of Reach | Lith Print
Hattori Hanzo75 (Xenotar有): La figura nera aspetta il bianco III
Kendall Lit: Bourne Wood
Robbie McIntosh: (A Turn on the Left)