- ArnO -: Dolceacqua - Italie
- ArnO -: Mais où est passée ma deuxième botte ?
Luke Zeme Photography: Microcosm Rock Pool at Camel Rock
Beth Wode Photography: What a sunset
Dy & Cheng: DSC_2813
Jim Oskam: American Bald Eagle
The Terry Eve Archive: Morning Mists and Distant Geese
Philip Moore Photography: 34027 Taw Valley
bearprintsphotography: Marking time
eric robb niven: Puffin Trio
gerardcarron: Rayon de soleil (Savoie 11/2018)
valecomte20: La tour Eiffel depuis l'esplanade du Trocadéro Paris
ms.gulbis: The path to the sea.
k.jessen: Rochas [Explore Jan 19, 2016 #234]
jcksndav: Cape Spear, Newfoundland Canada
jcksndav: Two horses
Stan Smucker: New day coming
LightInThisWorld: the bridge above the city!
LightInThisWorld: one of my favorite bridges
LightInThisWorld: caught on camera
luporosso: La stradina
gerard eder: Waikiki Sunset Watchers
Stu Thatcher: One up man ship
F Chmeliar: sunset on Zemplinska Sirava
Jim Kirchner: Deck View
dperkphoto: What a fiery Sunset!