rut-rem: P1150060edit
Paolo Vita: I missed that flight
Boris Kjullenen: Red and green
Dhina A: Autumn leaves 14
arseniy.shapurov: DSC02273-6
筱山青作 oldlens slow photo: CARL ZEISS JENA BIOTAR 58MM f2 M42 RED T
Dhina A: Grass bokeh
paulnguyen8686: PB200663
★☆洪爺の銀鹽專賣★☆: YASHICA REFLEX 500F8 01
gie333: DSC02217 her-75-dfgss DSC03255 copy
Dhina A: Bubble bokeh
Aki nguyễn: DSC_3006
jameslin1973: IMG_7890
clie_au: Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 50mm f2.8
Pogdorica: Llarina - 3/6
筱山青作 oldlens slow photo: FUJINON FUJI 35mm f1.9 M42
Naska Photographie: Ailes et gance
Naska Photographie: Le funambule
VisualEchos: The Fountain.
ivan_warhammer: IMG_2696
asvetika: IMG_2003
+LawrenceHsu+: _LAW8107_20170319_Lr
+LawrenceHsu+: _LAW7693_20170319_Lr
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Leica Summarit-M 50mm f2.5