Martin Ot: Kinetic Sea Serpent 🐍
Mark of Falworth: Hats Incredible!
Grant Davis.: Iron Graves
Mark of Falworth: Storst Castle Pasture
Blufiji: Teal River Fortess
-LittleJohn: Allanar Mine
Kris_Kelvin: Scriptorium Mokotovum
'Ecclesiastes: Black Knight's Castle
qi_tah: Map Room 4
Brick Cartel: The Midlanders: Guard House.
aukbricks: Modular Townhouses
Liwnik: Micro King's Mountain Fortress 6081
ranghaal: Bricktychon - The Wood Tryptichon
Barthezz Brick: Lego Game of Thrones - Bear and the Maiden Fair - by Barthezz Brick 9
Lord_Tristan: Casterly Rock
oms5134: Medieval House
oms5134: Medieval House
Wochenender: Jernsteinn on Sølvheim - a calderian colony - stage 1
Legopard: Venice 1486
Mark of Falworth: (CCC14) The Grand Bazaar
Blufiji: Qar Riwa
Gary^The^Procrastinator: Busy Citizens, City of Durrough
Gary^The^Procrastinator: City of Durrough
peggyjdb: 14th October 1066 - A hill near Hastings
Legopold: A Knife in the Dark
MassEditor: Misty Night on the Bayou 2
Dubbadgrim: CCCXIII - A Pause in the Procession
Jonas Wide ('Gideon'): Ice Worm in the Sand
-soccerkid6: Micro Manaor Castle