qi_tah: Walls on the side going up
qi_tah: IMG_0773
qi_tah: The (very bare) interior
qi_tah: Some progress at last
qi_tah: Not sure i like the tan but whatevs
qi_tah: Gatehouse roof on
qi_tah: Sorry for crappy pics
qi_tah: Gatehouse in progress
qi_tah: Whoops travelling back in time soz
qi_tah: Starting again at the new house, late 2020?
qi_tah: IMG_1482
qi_tah: IMG_1480(1)
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 36
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 17 (part 2)
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 17
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 14-15
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 12-13
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 11
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 9
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 7
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 6
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 4
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 3
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 2
qi_tah: Social distancing project - Day 1
qi_tah: Map Room 1
qi_tah: Map Room 2
qi_tah: Map Room 3
qi_tah: Map Room 4