ludwig.roemer: Sunflower
Baz Price: Sun Studios
Arno Delacroix: Lago Bianco
Mr Baggins: The Three Graces (Toned)
JonnyKristiansen1974: Abandoned Saskatchewan on film # 13
Hans ter Horst Photography: The ruin of an old farm
1988_photo: The First Autumn Blizzard
robinstewart.smith: GWR 41xx 4144 LT Test Train Wembley Park - 10.v.1998
hutschinetto: Gingkoblatt, vakuumgepresst --- Gingko leaf, vacuum pressing --- Лист гингко, вакуумное прессование
Hans ter Horst Photography: At the Jinbōchō book market, Kanda, Tokyo
niggyl :): Tuscan Style Pt. III
echudler: Cyanotype
pascal0678: St Hilaire de Poitiers (France) - tirage argentique depuis une négatif 4x5 (Large Format)
Monobod 1: Spring Tide.
Scrufftie: Olive Tree
juste nemo: La progressiste et le conservateur.
Dennispurdy: untitled stuff from the beach
1988_photo: The Old Car
1988_photo: The Fisherman
JonnyKristiansen1974: Abandoned Alberta on film # 6
rotten_rita: Monument Valley à la Holga
Odd Magne Ulvund: Streets of Taormina, Sicilian.
case-ie: Orpine, Hemelsleutel
3EyedMonster: Sonnez les Matines!