bcbirdergirl: Record shot of a Common Crane (Grus grus) - Peace River, BC
Dale Ayres: Wren ( Troglodytes troglodytes )
Patrick Monney: Busard bariolé - Punta Delgada/Magallanes/Chile_20171205_004-1
cogs2011: Red-backed Shrike Uk
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC1129 Song Thrush..
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC0571 Fieldfare..
Gary Helm: Eastern Phoebe
cogs2011: Hobby
Joe Branco: House Wren
ricketdi: " Épervière boréale / Northern Hawk-Owl "
Fly~catcher: Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
Tang Heng: Black bellied Whistling Duck
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Milan noir - Milvus migrans (Domaine Des Oiseaux, Ariège) 01 avril 2018
Cosper Wosper: Ikkle Wood mouse
rdelonga: _M4_0268.jpg
Mr F1: Kingfisher (f)
peterspencer49: Hokkaido Japan
cbjphoto: Northern Flicker
Fly~catcher: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
wildshotsbyclive: Blue Tit,UK.
Ted Humphreys Nature: Out and about
Brent Hardy: Mountain Hare
Woodcock65: LONG TAILED TIT ....Scotland.
Woodcock65: SPARROWHAWK ....Powys....Click on Image for more detail.
Peter Stahl Photography: Pileated Woodpecker (f)