University of Birmingham: Open Days 2011 - Nao the robot
HMMotley: Finding the most comfortable spots, obviously.
PatrickS: soufflant les bougies
PatrickS: Paris 6éme
PatrickS: Parc Bordelais
PatrickS: IMG_0368
* Garron Nicholls *: Walking on Winter
PatrickS: Un Mur de Fonctionnaires
ceih: charing cross road
PatrickS: Me ME MEEE!
PatrickS: Ixelles Ligne des Toits
PatrickS: Battlefield Tour Panoramic
PatrickS: King all finished
PatrickS: This is where I live
PatrickS: King for today!
PatrickS: King for a day
PatrickS: GRIN!
PatrickS: me!!!
PatrickS: Moon on my first night at the farm
PatrickS: The eye of the eggplant
PatrickS: Yalhma
PatrickS: Mosaic Girl
PatrickS: IMG_6897.JPG
PatrickS: All Natural William Morris
PatrickS: Facepacks in Paris