PatrickS: IMG_2993
PatrickS: IMG_2980
PatrickS: IMG_2975
PatrickS: Paris in Summer
PatrickS: Florianopolis in the morning
PatrickS: IMG_1867
PatrickS: IMG_1848
PatrickS: Praia de Joaquina
PatrickS: Lagoa
PatrickS: Santander photoshoot
PatrickS: Santander devant l'ayuntamiento
PatrickS: With uniquely Austrian wine!
PatrickS: German yoga
PatrickS: Dortmund harvest
PatrickS: IMG_7573
PatrickS: 35 degrees and sunny in Hong Kong
PatrickS: HK fashions
PatrickS: IMG_1472
PatrickS: 3ème skies
PatrickS: Bienvenue à Paris!
PatrickS: Birthday cake Delhi style
PatrickS: IMG_1342
PatrickS: IMG_1238
PatrickS: Thinking? or Facebooking?
PatrickS: Splitting the bill
PatrickS: This is an equation
PatrickS: Indian Head Massage
PatrickS: Masters of the Night
PatrickS: IMG00022-20091207-1426
PatrickS: Asleep at the wheel.