I'm just another photo: Días bonicos
aleshurik: Nadya..
Hannah ^-^: DSC_2253
Hannah ^-^: DSC_0509-2
davidnunes_: In transit for the future.
akarakoc: Big city bokeh
Maria_youerthanyou: no freedom 'til we're equal
lucas andrade - fotografias: catedral - petrópolis
davidnunes_: Se sintio como si nunca nos hubiaramos conocido
akarakoc: Flowers, trees, bush, herbage etc.
akarakoc: Old vs. New
Hannah ^-^: DSC_0514
Hannah ^-^: DSC_0537
xiaoran.bzh: JXR_4410
cacaio_o: Deathly Hallows
Maria_youerthanyou: a hundred and eighty three/cento e oitenta e três