davidlawrence15: Cormorant.
Wim Zoeteman: Houtduif
Wim Boon Fotografie: Grutto - Black-Tailed Godwit
Wim Boon Fotografie: Fuut - Great Crested Grebe - Podiceps Cristatus
Marcel Tuit | www.marceltuit.nl: Spotlight @ the hills
robvanderwaal: Happy to see its all green again [explored 1jun22]
Wim Zoeteman: Rietkikker
davidlawrence15: Whitethroat.
davidlawrence15: Shake rattle and roll!
fire111: bluethroat
Kees499  Nature pics: Dutch tulip fields with a Yellow Wagtail
Wim Boon Fotografie: Pijlstaart - Northern Pintail
davidlawrence15: Black-tailed Godwits.
davidlawrence15: Sand Martin
davidlawrence15: Male Linnet.
Wim Boon Fotografie: Boerenzwaluw - Barn Swallow
Wim Boon Fotografie: Steenuil - Little Owl
Martha de Jong-Lantink: Bohemian Waxwing (male) - Pestvogel (man) (Bombycilla garrulus) ....
Wim Boon Fotografie: Water Rail - Waterral
davidlawrence15: Sanderling with the sea breaking in the background!
Wim Boon Fotografie: Eurasian Sparrowhawk
fire111: Just before the grip
davidlawrence15: Muddy Hell!
Wim Boon Fotografie: Pike & Blue Heron
Frans.Sellies: Panorama of Jedburgh with the river, bridge and abbey
Frans.Sellies: Dutch landscape
Martha de Jong-Lantink: Northern Goshawk (male) - Havik (man) (Accipiter gentillis) ...