shigeru318: IMG_8527
Anniison: Water drop
Polotaro: クロアゲハ / Spangle
photoholic image: A skipper on a yellow cosmos
photoholic image: A BLURRED & OUT OF FOCUS (カメラブレとピンボケ)
Marco Ottaviani on/off: Ape su lavanda - Bee on Lavender [Explore - Sep 23, 2011]
Polotaro: Asian Swallowtail on spider lily
Polotaro: Asian Swallowtail and Spider lily
Polotaro: Asian Swallowtail
camillaskye: the view from the top
ShayVay: Dandelion
missgeok: Sunrise, 6.28am
missgeok: A touch of purple on yellow
JasonManion: Green Tendril
quas: Wasp on flower
Kelvin Wong (Away): Yellow Flower
Kelvin Wong (Away): Pinky Silky Ladybug
mat56.: giù per le antiche scale
mat56.: riflessi montani
mat56.: per mano
smswigart: inside loop(s) [Explored!]
smswigart: keep me hang'n on
peet-astn: young and beautiful
puthoOr photOgraphy: "If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom?"- Khalil Gibran