smswigart: Union Station - Washington DC
smswigart: Ghost Patrol
smswigart: Sand in the City
smswigart: sand-1
smswigart: desert moss
smswigart: Mt Bachelor, Oregon
smswigart: fire fire fire
smswigart: columbia river gorge taken from crown point
smswigart: last shot from boston.
smswigart: Independence
smswigart: Another old + new
smswigart: Some building in Boston
smswigart: Old, New, and Blue
smswigart: Last one
smswigart: Age
smswigart: i know exactly what happened
smswigart: Oliver
smswigart: Another find at the Shakey Gate Ranch
smswigart: abandoned [explored!]
smswigart: Belated memorial day photo
smswigart: clown
smswigart: ok then...
smswigart: apparently...
smswigart: my obligatory eclipse shot
smswigart: a real playa
smswigart: Citizens Bank Park
smswigart: why can't clowns ever be serious?
smswigart: The Future Mayor of Portland?
smswigart: Off the tracks
smswigart: bug'n