Nora Kaszuba: What Cheer?
Through Bri`s Lens: Chichester Cathedral Tower
timballic: Too much of a good thing?
Jim Oskam: Female Red Wing Blackbird
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): Mussels with Muscles 9963
shimmer5641: Eastern Kingbird / Tyran tritri
Peter Quinn1: Common Blue
Décar - Street photography: Pêché de gourmandise ?
Décar - Street photography: Pincée de tuiles au Vieil Alby
Décar - Street photography: Premier soleil après l'hiver
Décar - Street photography: Noir et Blanc/Black and White
Décar - Street photography: Gare de Perpignan (décrétée Centre du Monde par Dali)
Décar - Street photography: En attendant les beaux jours
lgflickr1: Hanoi night ride
lgflickr1: Norfolk Squirrel
aravis121: A Mother's Day Flower
Nikon66: Red-headed Woodpecker at B. K. Leach Memorial Conservation Area
WildImages: Skyline challenge IMG_1045
ayres_leigh: Red Breasted Merganser Little Reflection @ Passo Rolle, Italy
sttweston: yellow warbler