clothwork: slow progress...
clothwork: PLPS7
clothwork: PLPS7
clothwork: PLPS7
clothwork: PLPS7
Fiona @ Poppy Makes: Block 2 for Brit Bee
Flying Blind On A Rocket Cycle: Brit Bee - June 2013 block for Terri
InspiredbyFelix: Brit bee screen-printing
Just Jude Designs: Baby Bear Paw Class Sample Feb13
JuliePickles: Cosmic Burst Quilt Along-finished
Joyce in the CactusPatch: Antique quilt-Star of Bethlehem
Dee'sDoodles: Sashing the Purple Block
tingtongandthings: great white north bee pink star block #1
Very Berry Handmade: Mouthy stitches tote (inside)
canadianabroad-susan: Mouthy Stitches tote finished
canadianabroad-susan: My contribution to my own Brit Bee month.
Flying Blind On A Rocket Cycle: Constellation Star for Susan
badskirt: Three by Six - for hanies
smeegool: Red is home
maychappell: "Thar she blows" pouch for my scrappy bits partner! #hopeyouloveit
flossyblossy: My Eurovision Bee quilt
Just Jude Designs: Brit Bee Star Block for Susan Oct12
Fiona @ Poppy Makes: Starry Blocks for Miss October
Pippa Patchwork: Uncorked
Pippa Patchwork: In Bloom quilts
Pippa Patchwork: In Bloom White Applique Quilt
Sarah @ pingsandneedles: Gingham EPP blocks
Sarah @ pingsandneedles: Gingham EPP blocks
mamacjt: "Lotsa Dots" - FLiQS2