January 22, 2023. The 333th day of war in Ukraine. On the edge of the village.
January 22, 2023. The 333th day of war in Ukraine. A house from Kryshchentsi village in Tulchynskyi district of Vinnytska Area (end of 19th Century). National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine - Pyrohiv. Kyiv.
January 22, 2023. The 333th day of war in Ukraine. Beauty and silence on all sides of the world. So you might think if you are an alien, just arrived and do not know what is happening around.
January 23, 2023. The 334th day of war in Ukraine. A drop of morning dew that was born at dawn and lived to see the sun: “Take pictures quickly, now I will fall”😉
January 23, 2023. The 334th day of war in Ukraine. A corner of the Korean garden in the Grishko Botanical Garden. In the background is a magnificent oak tree. Quercus robur. Fagaceae. Kyiv.
January 23, 2023. The 334th day of war in Ukraine. A house from Kryshchentsi village in Tulchynskyi district of Vinnytska Area (end of 19th Century). National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine - Pyrohiv. Kyiv.
Engels Park Herkenrode
January 25, 2023. The 336th day of war in Ukraine. One of the most famous hippie slogans: "Make love, not war!" Kyiv.
January 25, 2023. The 336th day of war in Ukraine. It seems that everything around has become pink, like our pink dreams of eternal peace on the planet. Rhododendron. Ericaceae.
January 25, 2023. The 336th day of war in Ukraine. Lord of the world, says: "I am the light of the world." Altarpiece in St. Cyril's Church in Kyiv. Painter Mikhail Vrubel. Fragment of the iconostasis.
January 26, 2023. The 337th day of war in Ukraine.
January 26, 2023. The 337th day of war in Ukraine. Tagetes. Asteraceae.
January 26, 2023. The 337th day of war in Ukraine. St. Cyril's Church in Kyiv, the current state of the western and southern facades.
January 27, 2023. The 338th day of war in Ukraine. Blood lily. Scadoxus multiflorus or Haemanthus Katherinae. Amaryllidaceae.
January 27, 2023. The 338th day of war in Ukraine. Brushes of ripe ashberries. Sorbus red aucuparia.
January 27, 2023. The 338th day of war in Ukraine. Athanasius the Great or Athanasius of Alexandria - Father of the Church, Bishop of Alexandria. Altarpiece in St.Cyril's Church in Kyiv. Painter Mikhail Vrubel. Fragment of the iconostasis.
June 1, 2022. The 98th day of war in Ukraine. Hagia Sophia is a temple built by Prince Yaroslav the Wise on the site of the victory over the Pechenegs in 1036. The time will come and Ukraine will build a temple in honor of the victory over Russia.
Berlin, Gärten der Welt, Rhododendronhain:Rhododendronblüte - Berlin, Gardens of the World, Rhododendron Grove: Rhododendron flower
May 29, 2022. The 95th day of war in Ukraine. St. Sophia Cathedral model. Kyiv. Ukraine.
May 29, 2022. The 95th day of war in Ukraine. St. Sophia Cathedral model. Kyiv. Ukraine.
May 29, 2022. The 95th day of war in Ukraine. Kyiv has been standing on the hills of the Dnieper for 1540 years! Proud, rebellious and handsome. Happy birthday, Kyiv. Happy birthday, our beloved city. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Kyiv!
May 30, 2022. The 96th day of war in Ukraine. Compare the average lifespan of a person in proportion to the lifespan of a dandelion and you will be surprised at how similar they are. Don't pick dandelions!
May 30, 2022. The 96th day of war in Ukraine. Oregon Grape flowers. Oregon has 21,884 Russian speakers and 5,955 Ukrainian speakers. And there is no war. Why? Putin is impossible there!
May 30, 2022. The 96th day of war in Ukraine.
May 18, 2022. The 84th day of war in Ukraine. “May manages the fatherland, drives trees, flowers and grasses into bloom. Cherry, apple snow is circling ... ” But there is a war and the savage enemy is interfering with life.
May 18, 2022. The 84th day of war in Ukraine. Magnolias in Kyiv are very well, Moscow Voldemort will burn in hell.
May 18, 2022. The 84th day of war in Ukraine. "Ukraine is all together for me: past, present, future, life and death." / Leonid Kravchuk - the first president of Ukraine/
Potsdam, Park Sanssouci: Magnolienblüten im Botanischen Garten - Magnolia blossoms in the Botanical Garden