rivera.diego47: Aulacorhynchus prasinus
miketabak: Mountain Bluebird
a.chiezzi: Bohemian Waxwing
JesúsGarraza: _DSC0060
Turk Images: Evening Grosbeak - Male
pascual 53: Bardenas 18
eb3alfmiguel: Jynx torquilla (Torcecuello Euroasiático) (1)
eb3alfmiguel: Jynx torquilla (Torcecuello Euroasiático) (25)
rafyrodriguezphotography: Tucancito Esmeralda-Aulacorhynchus albivitta-White-throated Toucanet.
winnu: 1-IMGL0690
Pepe Moscoso: IMG_7261 Camachuelo (hembra ) ,Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Pepe Moscoso: IMG_6636 Pico mediano , Dendrocopos medius
Luis Villablanca: Western Meadowlark
Corey Hayes: Great Horned-Owl
mahi mahi 163: Chestnut Bunting (m) _ Dongguan ☺
Nature's Image Photography: Echidna, Cradle Mountain
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: JWL8423 Red Grouse..
Pepe Moscoso: IMG_6839 Camachuelo (macho ) ,Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Pep Aguadé: Trencalòs_2 - 2018
a.chiezzi: Brown-hooded parrots
javier perez2009: Camachuelos.
Khushboo Et Rahul - Nature and wildlife photograph: The blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus)
Khushboo Et Rahul - Nature and wildlife photograph: The greater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha)
Daniel Mclaren .:. Naturalist Guide CR: Emerald Tanager (Tangara florida)
cmescamilla: Altamira Oriole_MG_8495edtsg
tresed47: Male House Finch
silvano fabris: Black grouse - Gallo forcello
pedro lastra: Ruby Topaz Hummingbird dancing in the air, Trinidad. Chrysolampis mosquitus
RogerioPCRodrigues: Leptocoma brasiliana-van hasselt's sunbird
Luis Villablanca: Allen's Hummingbird (male)