Betsy Childs: Bye Baby Bunting Quilt
badlandsquilts: ORB Zig Zag Quilt
filminthefridge: zig zag mini quilt
Pear Tree Stitching: french braid block! love it!
Pear Tree Stitching: My New Favorites - Part 1
.House. of A La Mode: my postage stamp! :)
One ShaBby ChiCk: Pillow Swap pillow
misa212: mosaic pillow - back
_name_taken_: My Happy Garden baby quilt
tingtongandthings: string quilt progress
filminthefridge: scrappy zig zag quilt
linen&string: July rectangle squared blocks (Peace)
Little Miss Shabby: Picture Frames Quilt
Little Miss Shabby: Karie's Blocks Together
alissahcarlton: Sparks Baby Quilt
amy smart: modern quilt full
amy smart: Happier Bricks - Copy
patchandi: Values quilt - Front
patchandi: Values quilt - Detail
Dan @ Piece and Press: baby quilt
susan weinroth: Noah on Sunshine & Waves
Crazy Knitter: Orange and Turquoise
willowbeancreations: Baby String Quilt
willowbeancreations: Baby String Quilt
diana scl: Momo-Amy-01
stitch_girl: For Baby Blaide
cknitress: J + S = Baby (Front)