Alan McFadyen: 27th February 2016 Sparrowhawk Female
jlcummins: Canyon wren
Rob's4tography: Tshukudu Leopard
normanwest4tography: Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis
normanwest4tography: Brecon Dawn
Rob's4tography: Baku Eye
Alan McFadyen: 13th November 2015 Tawny Owl (Wild)
Nigel Hodson: Great Kiskadee
Rob's4tography: Baku Train
Rich Andrews: YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER Phylloscopus inornatus
Rich Andrews: FULMAR Fulmarus glacialis
jlcummins: Yellow-rumped warbler
jlcummins: Tree swallows
jlcummins: Song sparrow
normanwest4tography: Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis
Nigel Hodson: Stone Chat
jlcummins: Male wood duck portrait
jlcummins: Female wood duck portrait, Sportsman State Park, Yakima, Washington
Rich Andrews: COLLARED PRATINCOLE Glareola pratincola
cliffwoodhead4tography: "Its been a hard days night" ! distant shot from a hedge c80 yds away.
Eddie The Bugman: A Teneral Portrait
kilyy: _J4A9233acs
Daroo Ulises: Montañas del sur de Bariloche - Mountains south of Bariloche
Rob's4tography: Sei Whale
normanwest4tography: Chateaux de-la-Loire. Loches, France.
Rob's4tography: 2014_Accordion_Man
Rob's4tography: Guildford Blues Man.jpg
Rob's4tography: White Balance!!
Rob's4tography: Wellington
Rob's4tography: Messing Around 2