deanwgd608: Kom Oumba, Egypt
deanwgd608: Luxor , Thebes, Wa-Set 0003
deanwgd608: Karnak, Ipet sout, Temple of Amun 0004
Stefan Heinrich Ehbrecht: Ciudad de México: La Basilca de la Virgen de Guadelupe
Chat Malicieux: DSCN0954
eyetwist: shopping. north edwards, ca. 2017.
minhana87: Ashikaga,Tochigi pref.
minhana87: Tochigi,Tochigi pref.
Steve Ellaway: Shirenewton Bus Stop
vincenzoaru: Hamburger Express, West Memphis
[Photom]: untitled, Wincanton, 2015
DenverDwight: Metzger Farm Teasels
ModArchitecture: Crafton Hills College
ModArchitecture: Hubert H. Humphrey Building
Niko Saarinen: 139/366
owenstache: No problem
Jason Guilbeau: Petite salle
beneditto: Where the streets have no name 4
Pierre Layotte: Gondeville France 2014