Jeff Stoltzfus: "Brand New Day"
Jeff Stoltzfus: "Tropical Bliss"
Jeff Stoltzfus: White-throated Kingfisher
echumachenco: Hochstaufen (1771 m), Chiemgau Alps
christianeleouet1: Au balcon......
allentimothy1947: Fog at Rock Creek Historic Bridge
allentimothy1947: May This Flower Brighten Your Day
Travlin/Cindy16: DSC_0111-1
/........./: Le Coup D' Oeil
/........./: Promenade Printanière
/........./: Reflection d' Automne
Jeff Stoltzfus: "Sea of Tranquility"
Jaan Keinaste: Kevadõhtu Halliste jõel
Jean S..: Quand les roses fleurissaient...
Zen Aulder: Journeys and destinations
Ingrid Stuller: Whispers of light
Ingrid Stuller: Spring snowflakes in the morning meadow!
Ingrid Stuller: "Turn your face towards the sun and the shadows will follow behind you." - Maori proverb
Doug Santo: Morning Walk
mamietherese1: Une rose et ses boutons
erwin.koeckerandl.ek: "Winter an der Rott" Panorama Aumühle, das kleine Elektrizitätswerk bei Pocking, Niederbayern
Elena m.d.: El hombre parece tener más carácter cuando sigue su temperamento que cuando sigue sus principios.
John Meckley: Nanchang Jie (Nanchang Street) - Wuxi, Jiangsu, China Upper Rhine Valley seen from Triesenberg Mirrored Ushuaia Sunset over Porto