meghimeg: Petali di un fiore di luce
Teone!: Isola di Loreto
Abizeleth: butterfly & milkweed
Beckie Fitzgerald: Oak Leaf Hydrangea
scorpion (13): When The Night Comes
Brian Wayfarer: “…illusion cubiste…” pour A. R. L. # EXPLORE
scorpion (13): Two of us
znb_almahmeed: Sweet Life : )
blue foot: Softly Comes the Dawn
Teone!: Night and Day
Pecellín: Buitre Leonado
SLEEC Photos/Suzanne: Island Daydreaming
uhx72: Kirchenfenster
zétorres: +35º celsius
mluisa_: facciata
Eduardo Amorim: En blanco y negro
Kerstin Hellstrom: Kajsa Stövardotter, Störtskön på Bryggan
Vie Lipowski: Minding Their Own Businesses
Jay KoolPix: Eye of the Dove
ceca67: Swiss Alps landscape
arnd Dewald: Huangshan
Jay KoolPix: Trumpet Flowers
Fastblu: Grand Canyon Sunrise