Marcy O: Autumn Leaves was under my needle today and is finally a completed top.
Marcy O: Snowflake quilt, binding on
Lens and Shutter: Fruits are so delicious to eat in hot summer days.
s0340248: DSC31521 Herbst 2020
Marcy O: Front of the quilt shop
susiewahome: No Title
Lens and Shutter: Heritage train station.
Brunswick Forge: 2021.12.15.5892.D850 Unconcerned Grackle
21orion: Alberta Wildies in the snow
Marcy O: Winter sunset over the neighborhood
***Lynx***: Calling the pack
Marcy O: Bear Paw lattices done. Now for the outer border
p.mathias: Church of St. Peter ad Vincula
nepqelcz62: SAM_3107
nepqelcz62: SAM_3124
nepqelcz62: SAM_3126
nepqelcz62: SAM_3136
nepqelcz62: SAM_3139
antoinebouyer: Sauterelle
antoinebouyer: Papillon
Brunswick Forge: 2020.07.09.1925.D850 BRP Sunrise
***Lynx***: Beautiful moist bud
Bryan Appleyard: The Lockdown Diaries, Hammersmith Bridge
blavandmaster: Long shadows
Seclusive Nature: One Year
Lens and Shutter: A heritage arched passage.
21orion: Pileated Woodpecker-Fledgling