Bob's Bird Photography:
Ring Ouzel
Sindri Skúlason:
King Eider (Æðarkóngur) 20
Manx Bird Photography:
Fulmar, Isle of Man
Sindri Skúlason:
The Master at work - Great Skua (Skúmur)
Sindri Skúlason:
Great Skua (Skúmur) 4
Sindri Skúlason:
Wren (Músarrindill) 56
Bjarni in Iceland:
Arctic Skua (Kjói)Stercorarius parasiticus
Sindri Skúlason:
Bohemian Waxwing (Silkitoppa) 42
Sindri Skúlason:
Hoopoe (Herfugl) 5
Bjarni in Iceland:
Arctic Tern (Kría) Sterna paradisaea
Manx Bird Photography:
Greenfinch, Isle of Man
Manx Bird Photography:
Clouded Yellow, Cornwall
Sindri Skúlason:
Common Scoter (Hrafnsönd) 50
Sindri Skúlason:
Common Scoter (Hrafnsönd) 51
Manx Bird Photography:
Spoonbill, Cley
Manx Bird Photography:
Little Ringed Plover, Cley
Manx Bird Photography:
Ruff, Titchwell
Bjarni in Iceland:
Meadow Pipit (Þúfutittlingur)Anthus pratensis
Manx Bird Photography:
Black Redstart
Manx Bird Photography:
Cattle Egret
Manx Bird Photography:
Grasshopper Warbler
Manx Bird Photography:
Manx Bird Photography:
Manx Bird Photography:
Red-necked Grebe
Manx Bird Photography:
Red-necked Grebe
Manx Bird Photography:
Hen Harrier
Manx Bird Photography:
Manx Bird Photography:
Golden Plover
Manx Bird Photography:
Purple Sandpiper