DocUNC: ~28/52~ Transitions
2-Dog-Farm: Anything not nailed down is a dog toy.
Kirstyxo: 21/52- Summer Light.
Kirstyxo: 25/52- On Watch *Explore*
DocUNC: ~22/52~ Wanna Pretend?
syzygial: Misa
2-Dog-Farm: 1 week old and counting!
syzygial: Nana, Goma & Chi Chi
DocUNC: ~18/52~ Motherhood
syzygial: Misa
Ch♥e Photography: Kitty Hugs
~ **Barbara ** ~: red & yellow 2....explored
Harry2010: 13 Windows
2-Dog-Farm: A hidden lake inside the garden
2-Dog-Farm: I can shake for treats
2-Dog-Farm: Rub-a-Dub-Dub, 3 kids in a tub!
2-Dog-Farm: Clydesdale
2-Dog-Farm: Giggles and Secrets
2-Dog-Farm: Life is hard, then you nap
2-Dog-Farm: basking in the sun
2-Dog-Farm: Hello, I'm awake, ready to play, and just plain out adorable.
Mari Assmann: Olha quem ganhou um iPod!
syzygial: Little Man
syzygial: Chi Chi
syzygial: Little Man
DocUNC: ~14/52~ The Nose Knows
syzygial: Misa
syzygial: Misa