mirphotos: A visit to the Juna Market, Saddar led me to this local herb shop. The shop owners create medicines prescribed by local "Hakeems". Shops like these have a significant importance among the locals as most of them avoid the Doctors and their expensive and a
Akane Photo by TASAKI: Musashikyuryo-Shinrinkoen
Tan Choon Mun: DSCF9711
edward.evans: Common mist frog (Litoria rheocola)
jorgedcar: Fog Of Mysteries Lighting Up My Face
Ben Fiessler: Into the light
JoaquimC.: Anisoptera
Rácor: Stephie
k812: ***
aguschiky: Ocaso!!
Afcocanon: Pole
Jon Coloma: Albufera
Navegante73: Cerro de la cruz / Hill Cross
jurigocha: Tempestad
hlarrache: Loto\Lotus
Afcocanon: Dark Angel
Afcocanon: reportajestematicos.com
Javier_Subias: Barrio de Las Fuentes
傲慢與偏見: 6d+ sigma 50mm 1.4
Javier_Subias: Pilar - Silueta