Charles A. Thomas: Blackwater Winter Morning
rivadock4: Sunrise Silhouette of a Belted Kingfisher
jeffloomis1: Focused Fox
another_scotsman: That Tree
another_scotsman: Ogwen panorama
Jerry_a: Battle Royale
NatureByShari: DSCN2915
tanman2: Least Bittern hiding from the blackbirds
Inland Bay Photography: Not a good idea!
Inland Bay Photography: Bald Eagle on alert.
Victoria Morrow: Green heron eyes the water
Victoria Morrow: Juvenile black crowned night heron over the creek
Estrada77: Great Blue Heron in flight.
Objects.Of: Red Fox Kit
Jerry_a: Allee House Fox [Explored]
Jerry_a: Shearness Pool, Bombay Hook NWR
Ricky Floyd: 130A8922
Brian E Kushner: Great Blue Heron
Michel Sansfacon: Least Bittern ♂ - Petit Blongios ♂ - Ixobrychus exilis (D72_0455-1F-20170613)
spe321: UY9A5341
Jean-François Hic: Great Egret - Ardea alba
dziubek21: Graureiher
MurrayH77: Cattle Egret - Cape Point campground
rdelonga: _M4_4006.jpg
rdelonga: _M4_3984.jpg
rdelonga: _D2_9630.jpg
Shannon Rose O'Shea: In search of the elusive covfefe
apple fanboy1: _DSC2772
MurrayH77: Gbh Fish Toss