astronut2007: Kingfisher_20240227
judmac1: Abandoned houses always make me wonder what the circumstances were that led them to leave this lovely Highland area. Were they forced to move? Where are they now?
Pam W2: Train des Pignes - Pont de Gueydan
judmac1: Cartwheel woerkshop
moraypix: Geranium...
astronut2007: Flying Scotsman 2023 September 15 - 11:14:05 BST
astronut2007: 'Flying Scotsman' 2023 September 15 - 09:42:27 BST
judmac1: The Old Mill
judmac1: Joy of spring
moraypix: Inner glow...
lyndsey114: Northern Lights
judmac1: Disappearing fast
judmac1: It was a hard life
dcstep: Northern Harrier Flies Close
astronut2007: Wolf Moon - January 2022
dcstep: Sunset As Seen From Cherry Creek State Park
judmac1: Finechty sunset
judmac1: Keeping an eye on the weather
astronut2007: Aurora 2021 September 07 - 23:54 UT
moraypix: Loch Morlich...
judmac1: Cromarty firth weather
dcstep: Blue-winged Teal Explodes From The Water
judmac1: All in a Row
dcstep: One Of My First Shots With "Bird Eye Auto Focus"
Nicky ... Through the Rhodies
grumpy old man 65: winter morning
moraypix: Low tide...
judmac1: Bridge by the Ford