Rosana_L: 30ª Saída Fotocultura: Pompéia + 3º Foto Escambo Fotocultura
Rosana_L: As cores do Mercado Municipal de São Paulo
Vincent_Ting: Mountain Hehuan 合歡東峰
abrideu: The Royal Palace and gardens in Muscat, Oman
JBMacPhotography: bike n bench
Pentax_clic: Le ruisseau en décembre... / The stream in december...
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20141214DSC_1706_武岫農圃
.**rickipanema**.: Amanhecer Hoje - Praia de Botafogo - Pão de açucar Dawn - Today - Sugar Loaf - Botafogo Beach #RiodeJaneiro #Rio450 #SugarLoaf #Botafogo
MotoJuan: DSC04448
Tom Dean.: USAF F-15E Strike Eagle 'ROAR 21' 96-0204
aljpri: I738٨٨٨9_HDR
ken.helal: Riding the Air Currents
byVini photography: Oxararfoss Waterfall
Fe_Lima: The droplets in my window...
Leo ☮: El sol entre las ramas...
Ruby Augusto: pôr-do-sol na lagoa...
su-sa-ni-ta: EMOCIONANTE VERLAS !!! It`s all just a front
Eggii: ***
adrian.r.walmsley: Across the Loch
enrique1959 -: El acueducto - Segovia - España
Dietmar Temps: Ethiopian Tribes, Arbore woman
Blas Torillo: Volaré
Eggii: ***
Gary_Loveless: "Stories Untold"
Jason Glyn: Paris Skyline
Ritwik Raj: If uncertainty is the only certainty, the main job becomes preparing a 137-year-old newspaper to “stomach the chaos that comes with digital,
Michael Caristo: Praying Mantis, found outside a church