bunchadogs & susan [off]: marina sleeping x2
johcasa: mirage
YvonneRaulston: when there is lightness in your heart . . . you float
d i a n e p o w e r s: elegy of the sparrow
bunchadogs & susan [off]: looking ahead...
LowerDarnley: Oregon Coast #27
bunchadogs & susan [off]: howdy....come sit a spell and we'll chat...
bunchadogs & susan [off]: the Christmas Tree...
publicenergy: Clumber bike ride
d i a n e p o w e r s: Happy Holidays!
Duevel: Markiezaatsmeer
Elemi filling: P1210569
szélléva: oration
chrisfriel: murder 36/111
Eggii: between..
bunchadogs & susan [off]: the berries of almost winter
TBT.images / Bob Toye: Old Cemetery Wall, Middle Tennessee
Gerald Schuring: Zeehonden-10
ՍՏԵՓԱՆ: Autumn & winter
chrisfriel: murder 12/88
LowerDarnley: Fort Stark #2
Sal Patalano: Ybor City 3Nov18
d heinz: Samira at the Birch 💫
ChrisRSouthland: marital observation