Wendy:: dandelion ME with Avgcampro~HMBT
Wendy:: Chestnuts in their prime
DeirdreYrD: Eurasian Curlew - (Numenius arquata)
DeirdreYrD: Sanderlings - getting a push from its neighbour.
DeirdreYrD: White-tailed sea eagle, County Cork, Ireland- Featured in RTE Television Ireland
DeirdreYrD: Little Egret
DeirdreYrD: Happy Feet
DeirdreYrD: Arctic Terns
Wendy:: evening flight Dublin bay
Wendy:: shifting sands
Wendy:: blown sand at low tide
Wendy:: when the sand blows....
Wendy:: sand blowing towards Poolbeg
Wendy:: Kilcoole flora v.4
Wendy:: Kilcoole flora v.5
Wendy:: Kilcoole today
Wendy:: gull flight
Wendy:: marram grass
Wendy:: wild carrot tops
Wendy:: I see Sugimoto has gone colourful; my response!
Wendy:: dividing line
Wendy:: steaming into the light
Wendy:: Big cat on the horizon
Photos - Mike Smith: River Coupall Falls
Ken-Dobson: Are you looking at me ?
Ken-Dobson: The eye of the tiger.
Ken-Dobson: Waiting for dinner
Kevin.Grace: Silent Valley
bella_blue_star: "Love in the Mist" - High Key Flower