Closet Scot: Oldevatnet-0903
Closet Scot: Steinsdalsfossen Waterfall-0486
Paul Sisul: Salt Lake Utah Fly
Paul Sisul: Olympic National Park Ruby Beach
pascalcolin1: Behind the veiled doors
filoer: Lentilly - Plus blanc que blanc (2024 12 31)
thrujosephseye: Morning Glory
thrujosephseye: New Year’s first light
RJSchutDigitaal: Pimpelmees - Eurasian Blue Tit - Blaumeise - Cyanistes caeruleus
komtatokomta: Rokkor-TE 45mm f2.8 modified Minolta A3 - Sony α7Ⅱ
J.Hernetkoski: DSC01141
J.Hernetkoski: 4 / 365
Jürgen Scholz: Bretagne
karla_k: Das verrückte Labyrinth
FRANcisco /: winter shadow ....(124900)
Franco & Lia: Awaiting restoration
Subervie: Gran Canaria
_giuliano_: Sunset on the cargo ship
monsieur Burns: “Men have no confidence in whispers.”
MarcoMCMLXVIII: Street Lamp / Lakeside Lamp
MarcoMCMLXVIII: XT10-4018
komtatokomta: Haiou-64 58mm f2 + Sony α7Ⅱ
komtatokomta: Rokkor-TE 45mm f2.8 modified Minolta A3 - Sony α7Ⅱ
FlorentM.: Au plus près de la nature
nagyistvan888: Bottle Bottom