johngpt: old and new
johngpt: the Shadow's bike
johngpt: But soft, what light?
johngpt: morning coffee and shadows
Carrot Room: eye see
Carrot Room: The Parking Attendant
Carrot Room: Monterey at Sunset
Carrot Room: Is he photographing me?
Carrot Room: shady lane
Carrot Room: What's happening over there?
johngpt: snowing at the arroyo bridge 26Dec18
johngpt: on the bench near sunset 03Aug09
johngpt: bench at the visitor center
johngpt: International Women's Day
johngpt: cloud filled solstice 21Dec10 slide
cmwrenn3: Cider House
johngpt: sheltered
mk3brent: FIRE_1
mk3brent: TREE
nikosaminira1: _2010865
n8.iverson: CatL.
Indofunk Satish: The Music Room
ulrikerichterlies: Girls just...
Jeroenc71: The trail from Killin to Lochearnhead
tlwecker: Rolling Fields
elffyb: some cubes
Jeroenc71: Window of our hilday home.
James Harr's Photos: Sunflowers2
johngpt: trekking pole in barred light and shadow
nikosaminira1: _2010626