johngpt: pre-sunrise skyscape 23Jun24
johngpt: blue hour, pre-sunrise skyscape
johngpt: pre-sunrise skyscape 21Jun24
johngpt: off kilter sunrise
johngpt: lone cloud, wildfire haze 18Jun24
johngpt: Kasha-Katuwe tree
johngpt: botanic garden bench
johngpt: Lesser Goldfinch, puffed
johngpt: sunrise skyscape 14Jun24
johngpt: sunset skyscape 10Jun24
johngpt: morning light
johngpt: Black Swallowtail
johngpt: Grackle
johngpt: morning light, Black-chinned hummingbird
johngpt: rainy morning
johngpt: Lesser Goldfinch
johngpt: sunrise skyscape 08Jun24
johngpt: rose with tiny bug
johngpt: cloud portrait at sunset 07Jun18
johngpt: humming along
johngpt: birthday flowers
johngpt: on target
johngpt: fence
johngpt: early morning moon
johngpt: Kim's flowers
johngpt: columbine 25May24
johngpt: Black-chinned hummer at the magical feeder
johngpt: hummer
johngpt: columbine
johngpt: hogfish