Nino Méndez: Sony RX10IV
lennycarl08: Dive Bomber
Peter Hawrylyshyn: Colombia Sky at Dusk_7D_9873
PELORD: Phoenicopterus ruber
Gabriel Corban: OK2 PS1 LUN 12345
manukk1231: Make a wish !
manukk1231: Milkyway over Mt.Ngaruhoe !
dariofuentes: Grand Canyon Sunset. Atardecer en el Gran Cañón
manukk1231: Cosmic Convergence !
MedicineMan4040: Southern Appalachians in Winter (My personal best of the year)
Sergio Emilio Montúfar Codoñer: Orion Nebulas behing the Atuel Canyon
Kishore Ryali: Lake Burton Milkyway at Dawn
German Ruiz Photography: Cae la noche en Bogotá
Jaime Ramallo Camacho: LA CUMBRE A 4800 MSNM LA PAZ BOLIVIA
Andres Alem: CentralPark
luis muñoz velez: desierto de la tatacoa
NilsVomDach: Bannwaldsee bei Nacht
looyaa: Milky Way with a meteor [Singapore, August 2013]
Vincent1825: Tucker Lake Dawn 2
Jeff Pang: For Purple Mountain Majesties
crewl1: Young Coopers Hawk
tombosius: Nationaldagsoväder 1