Shoichi Asaoka: portrait
jchou0812: Exploring the Wyong Shire
issa....: J. L.
jul!oseven: [一日一照計畫403] 午餐便當:咖哩香料飯,香檸薑汁燒肉,XO醬拌芹香野菜,麻醬菠菜。一鍋滾水燙兩組蔬菜,拌上不同調味,就有兩種蔬菜。便當的薑汁燒肉不能搭生菜絲,洋蔥絲一起大鍋炒,5分鐘就能完成。另取果醬罐裝切好的水果,自己帶便當,可以健康又假掰,如此美妙。(來不及打芒果布丁牛奶就是…)
Mr. dEvEn: My beloved Wife
Michael Angelo 77: Coloring Water
张憨憨: and I can dance.
jul!oseven: [一日一照計畫402] 午餐:雜菜湯麵。台南陰雨綿綿,星期一市場休市而且雨天菜價也得漲;翻找冰箱發現還有些菜可用,涼涼的天不如煮碗暖暖的湯麵。麵條燙熟先撈起在碗裡拌入鵝油蔥,高湯煮開,入各種食材,僅用純釀造醬油膏和白胡椒調味,倒也滾出近似拉麵湯底的濃郁深厚。食材擺放齊整,澆湯,放上溏心蛋與香菜,雜菜湯麵也可以豐饒而寬厚。
Sub(urban) Art(ist): Xt1+ manual focus CarlZeiss Planar 50mm 1.4 C/Y mount
j man.: Purple Lining
MichelleSimonJadaJana: HNY!! I Am Back:)
ricleosg: A7S + Voigtlander 12mm F5.6
Jeff Krol: » Tram stop
rujem007: Taxi
MohammeD BuQuRais: G H O S T - S H I P
val_lytko: film
散漫生活: A_基隆山全景
yu+ichiro: my feelings for you
yu+ichiro: Gate
yu+ichiro: lost in the desert
Alexandr Tikki: After two weeks we go to the new trip (Explore) (from top by country,2015)