beranekp: Prague Winters 1
woody lauland: La Pedrera, Barcelona, January 31, 2013
sistereden2: L’envers du décor #90 * Paris
John S. Photos: The Bloom
John S. Photos: New View
John S. Photos: What once was
John S. Photos: The Cowboys
John S. Photos: Arms and Shoulders
woody lauland: Mueller Southwest Greenway, January 13, 2022
woody lauland: Mueller Southwest Greenway, January, 28, 2022 (3)
woody lauland: Tree Hugger, January, 2022
Atreides59: Tout juste
Dr_Scott: London - Trafalgar Square
Huw J: 09.12.24 - iPhone Pro 12
HuskuDu: 240705 Day 367
DRCPhoto: Snowy Inlet