Dr_Scott: Sherborne House - Thornhill Staircase
Dr_Scott: Sherborne House - detail of Stefan Pitman's ceiling in performance space
Dr_Scott: Soughton Hall/Neuadd Sychydyn - detail of chimneypiece
Dr_Scott: Soughton Hall/Neuadd Sychydyn - detail of staircase
Dr_Scott: Soughton Hall/Neuadd Sychdyn - interior
Dr_Scott: Soughton Hall/Neuadd Sychdyn - interior
Dr_Scott: Soughton Hall/Neuadd Sychdyn
Dr_Scott: Soughton Hall/Neuadd Sychdyn
Dr_Scott: Soughton Hall/Neuadd Sychdyn
Dr_Scott: (untitled)
Dr_Scott: (untitled)
Dr_Scott: Poundbury - sunset
Dr_Scott: (untitled)
Dr_Scott: (untitled)
Dr_Scott: Tyneham - 'The Village That Died For England'
Dr_Scott: Tyneham - 'The Village That Died For England'
Dr_Scott: Tyneham - wellhead
Dr_Scott: Tyneham
Dr_Scott: Tyneham
Dr_Scott: Tyneham - St Mary, Bond family memorials
Dr_Scott: Tyneham - St Mary, Bond family memorials
Dr_Scott: Tyneham - St Mary
Dr_Scott: Tyneham - stable
Dr_Scott: The Common Cormorant or Shag...
Dr_Scott: London - Poultry, former Midland Bank HQ
Dr_Scott: London - Torrington Place, Gordon Mansions
Dr_Scott: (untitled)
Dr_Scott: Seville - Real Alcázar
Dr_Scott: Hampton Court Palace - roofscape
Dr_Scott: At Portland Bill