chiefdeck: Alaska Grey Wolf
Atascaderosammcmillan: What's on the menu today? It ain't Chicken
Dave_Lawrence: American Coot---Fulica americana
WilliamND4: Beavertail Lighthouse in Jamestown, RI
Elizabeth Haslam: Considering
Atascaderosammcmillan: New Youngster joins The Bird Of Prey Team
pasotim1: Leopard in Fog
Dave_Lawrence: American Coot---Fulica americana
avilacats: Reflections!
avilacats: Busy nest
Dave_Lawrence: Lark Sparrow---Chondestes grammacus
avilacats: Peeking out of Mom’s feathers
avilacats: Spring is in the air!
pasotim1: Moonset over Mission San Miguel
Dave_Lawrence: Peregrine Falcon---Falco peregrinus
Atascaderosammcmillan: Baby Coot with Mom
marlin harms: Streptanthus glandulosus, Purple Jewelflower
bobdinnel: Red-tailed Hawk
bobdinnel: Vermillion Flycatcher
Dave_Lawrence: Band-tailed Pigeon---Patagioenas fasciata
pasotim1: Finding the Way
penrand: Great Horned Owl
penrand: Great Horned Owl
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Anna's hummingbird at Boyce Thompson
marlin harms: Gaggle of Snow Geese, One with Solar Powered Satellite Transmitter Collar
marlin harms: Aristolochia californica, California Pipevine
marlin harms: Lark Sparrow Surveying its Domain
bobdinnel: Verdin
ronniegoyette: Hitching a ride
pasotim1: In Her Sights