helenehoffman: Sweet Faced Monkey
Fotofee1900: Roter Panda (Red Panda)
j.a.kok: jaarvogel Ouwehands BB2A3545
Buggers1962: Bald Eagle
j.a.kok: gray langur Apenheul JN6A5379
WhiteEye2: Great blue heron with a fish!
K.Verhulst: Monday morning.....again
karinrogmann: Seriema
karinrogmann: Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung
WhiteEye2: The owl wig!
billoddie3: Baby Grey Seal Donna nook
K.Verhulst: Spitssnuitkrokodil
K.Verhulst: Europese wolf
Gi.Sartori: Primo Quarto
TenPinPhil: Smile
karinrogmann: Rosalöffler
Buggers1962: Baby Red Panda
Buggers1962: Reflected Smile
Buggers1962: Incoming
Buggers1962: Mouse's eye view
Buggers1962: Barn Owl
Stinkersmell: Happy hyraxes
Larry Daugherty: Pelican at Lafitte Harbor Marina........D800
K.Verhulst: Asiatic elephants
Stinkersmell: Super Suka
K.Verhulst: Musje /House Sparrow (f)
K.Verhulst: Asiatic elephant SUNAY
Stinkersmell: Turn that frown upside down
karinrogmann: Komm nicht näher!
knowneuropean: Burrowing Owl